>>12061009Low-IQ people don't believe the globohomo propaganda because they know girls don't have dicks. Simple as.
High-IQ people don't believe globohomo because they recognize not only the inherent lies, but the propaganda methods, the intellectual dishonesty of its vocal proponents, and the negative long-term effects it will inevitably have on society and human life in general.
Midwits are the ones who fall for this shit. Women are almost all midwits, and most White people are midwits. That magic spectrum 10 or 20 points smarter than the brown hordes, but not intelligent enough to have developed critical thinking skills. That range where all the institutions tell their audiences they're "smart" for believing "the experts", and midwits ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT. They pat themselves on the back for uncritically accepting everything the globohomo/MSM/corporate/celebrity/commie jew professor/big tech narrative spoon-feeds them. They honestly think they're "following the science" by not researching anything for themselves.
So, yeah. Everybody's fucking retarded and I know that feel, bro. I'm a recluse like
>>12060950 . I just got sick of the brainwashed masses and dropped out of society. No regrets. Stay strong, anon.