>>18278435>私たちは走るために生まれてきた。あなた自身もそうでしょう?白い髪のShe is saying that the uma musume were born to run, but she want’s to prove they can do more than that. She speaks of white hair…Are you talking about Mare Equine?
>そう、彼女は違う。彼女のようになりたい。Yes, she wishes to be like her.
*The recruiter shakes his head*
That’s all fine and dandy, but we can’t just take anyone off the street at this point. I’m sorry but I’m going to have to decl-UGH!
Hmm, something wrong?
Why is there slime always dripping down from the vents these days?! Did they fire the janitors too?
…I don’t think that’s their job, sir…
>霊たちは怒っている。このように精霊馬を欺くことは、あなたに大きな災いをもたらすでしょう。あなたはこのことを後悔するでしょう...Please Ms….Hisakuma, don’t take this personally…