>>19018855Despite the fact that she worked at a nightclub for a while, Robyn has never partied in one before. She never thought she could enjoy being in the midst of a sweaty, loud crowd. Quite the contrary, it always seemed an almost nightmarish scenario to her. Yet here she was, having the time of her life. How?
Maybe it was the shots of vodka she let some guy buy her earlier, as she figured it would help her loosen up. Maybe it's the sense of confidence that's been instilled in her by once and for all proving she's not the loser she once thought she was by picking up the biggest win of her career. Or maybe it was a bit of both, combined with, more than anything else, Andi's presence. Robyn is entranced by everything about her, from the effortlessly rhythmic movements of her body, to the shine of her sweaty skin under the lights. She mirrors Andi's movements, barely even noticing the group of shirtless, musclebound men surrounding the duo as they move to the beat of the music, their eyes locked on each other, in their own party for two in the middle of the crowd.
As the music lulls and Andi shouts to her, Robyn is struck by what she'll probably look back on as a moment of madness, and grabs Andi's hand. "You're god damn right! We're the champions!" she shouts back. Then she rushes across toward the DJ booth, taking Andi with her. She looks up at DJ Dolph Spin's booth, elevated to some height above the rest of the dance floor, and sensing her intent, one of the shirtless men boosts her all the way up.
As another of the men gives Andi a boost and she joins her, Robyn grabs a mic. "WE'RE THE BEST TAG TEAM IN THE WOOOOORLD!"