>>15619730>try vinegar onesI don't think I've ever seen them around. I've actually been tasted vinegar even, unless I did without knowing. Wanna try describing the taste?
>just ate some ham and mustardWell, I think you did tell me on how to think of mustard that one time, but it still strikes me weird, I don't know why. The ham must've been nice, though, hope you enjoyed it. I was gonna type something but forgot, oh, you paid 4 euros for that though, damn. Embarrassing, but I will admit, I don't actually know how much a kg exactly is, so I don't know if that's a lot for that price, but, I do know that you could most likely get a burger for 4 euros. Maybe even 2 burgers, damn. But I guess it's nice you had what you had, still.