>>16468685arguable, this place is pozzed as well and there are other places that aren't really, but its not the point so whatever
more so, why do you feel like you need to participate in any of it
it doesnt really matter if youre able to be yourself or have to put up a fake persona, because at the end of the day ur just babbling shit into a worthless space, and u take time and energy away from yourself by doing so, which could've been put into anything else
this could be the greatest place to shitpost in the world but its still going to be nothing more than that, it would still be bad to be attached to it
when you talk to actual friends who like you and stuff, there is no need to comply to moralfaggotry or shit like that, and thats where actual interaction is
"social" sites like this are just simulators and u dont actually get anything except brainrot from "talking" to the people in them, or at least from doing it for too long and being deluded that its real
ur not really having forbidden discussion that cant be had anywhere else anyhow
so you can pick not to eat shit rather than choosing between having it served on a plate or not
what im meaning is you should give time to yourself and anything actually worth doing, rather than thinking you're bound to places like this for some reason and need to participate, because you really dont and would be better and happier without
i think you should experiment and see how you do for a while without any of these "social outlets"
if u dont feel confident in being able to close the tabs and do something else then that shows there being a problem lol
>friends, followers and your accountif they stop being friends with you over something like that, they werent friends
followers dont matter and your account in some social simulator site also doesnt matter
better stop caring about this garbage and put the energy into yourself instead