Stacey will fuck a jiggaboo to make daddy cringe or piss him off. When that purpose is fulfilled, she breaks it off and moves on. Less-than-intelligent Stacey will make babbies with negra and collect welfare. Pic related.
And you already know this, but the worst thing for a black male to realize is that he does not meet that expectations of the myth. Which, guess what, is about 98 percent of them. Yes, you guys eat fried chicken, BBQ, and listen to degenerate music. You also think you can sing well, and dance better than whites. Remove the synthesizers from your voice overs and apply a minimalist understanding of ethnochoreology discipline to your "dance moves" and you begin to realize that you suck at those things, too.
Your best example of a functional marching band is 7/8th Drum Core; which is crap and never wins competitions because of a *gasp* lack of diversity. Not to mention you don't know how to march AND play at the same time.
It's all about attitude. There's not a negra in existence that can get as large as the dildos out there. If you don't know how to be a sexual master in the bedroom, tie your chick up and fuck her with anything in the room, including your own dick, that's your fault. The bigger you act, the bigger she thinks you feel.
But no, go ahead and take our lesser valuable (and very stupid) "whites". Just keep in mind that the ONLY reason why she's with you is to virtue signal, get back at daddy, or take advantage of your resources.
You know it's true because when a "sistah" practices hypergamy, every nigress in her circle of acquaintances will shun her because she FINALLY figured out how it works, and met a well-to-do fella that didn't mind diluting his progeny in and effort to colonize the masses.