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I will give you another high level redpill. Ours is not the first advanced global civilization on this planet. You need research only the Kaiminawa Wall to see this is the case. The Earth is subject to recurring cataclysm. Ancient people knew this, and built great works to stand the testament of time. The Great Pyramids are time capsules telling you when they were built, 30-40,000 years ago. They directly mirror the stars in the sky, and even the Milky Way with their position to the Nile, if you rewind the precessional movement of the Earth to that age. Earth's rotation gives us the Day, the orbit gives us the Year, the precessional movement gives us the Great Year. We must endeavor to study the Great Year as it is understood by degrees of movement, and the numbers of those degrees, and where these numbers recur in geometry. To understand geometry is to be closer to God.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is a scale model of the northern hemisphere of Earth on a scale of 1:43,200 - which is not a random scale, as this number is derived from Earth's precessional cycle. The Pyramids were built so that after the Earth was destroyed in cataclysm, man in his infancy could stumble upon them, and know that others were there before him, and that he is capable of great things. Not so we could eat doritos and let others tell us what to think. Those that dictate our knowledge today are those that kept knowledge for themselves from one age to the next, and they guard the secret knowledge to exert their will over mankind. In no uncertain words, the Earth is ruled by satanists. Satanism is pursuit of the material, it is selfishness, it is directing your energy towards your ego instead of understanding that you are part of a whole.