>>13242279I recently went on vacation to France and in the bungalow next to us was an American family. We went with them to dinner and the conversation we had with them was surreal. The entire night they were just talking about... nothing basically. Everything the Americans said was some iteration of "Oh I have object X and I got it through one of my friends who works at company Y in location Z". Surface level small talk that lasted for HOURS and it was absolutely exhausting. I never got this "hatred of small talk" that you see much on the internet, but now that I've actually talked to Americans I can see the problem. On the surface these people seem very nice and interesting people, until you realize that's literally all there is to them. There is no "deeper" layer to these people. They don't think beyond anything that's fed to them in the media, and if they did, they surely would not talk about it. The definition of NPCs.