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>be europe pre internet and with communication limited esoterics/occult
>some retarded single groups take like 2% of some asiatic doctrine, it kinda works, and they hog the knowledge for hundreds of years
>in comparison to the peasants they seem like gods
>but it mostly was just multiple generation nepotism
>internet comes along, opens floodgates of information.
>all the old "cults" scramble like rats in the sunlight
>apparently you dont need to buttfuck someone to open the Muladhara chakra as to what the free masons did for over 1000 years now as a "tradition"
>you can just do some weird handstands or something and it opens within weeks/days
>no need for weird rituals
>or stupid systems of levels
>its basically just on youtube, for free now
>You can learn the 98% of other "esoteric/occultist" doctrines there for free, openly, at a much faster rate
>a lot of it works just fine and people post success stories
>stuff rapidly starts accumulating
>old euro occulist groups losing what little glamour that they had as even many dumb goyms now see that they actually dont offer that much and cannot do that much
>Old, patriarchal lineage teachers from poojeetland come here, with their 70IQ average, and basically dab on "established fearsome elite bloodlines" with little effort.
what a time to be alive