>>3778976The reason every /bant/ meme has died so far is because of people holding it under KYM-style scrutiny and dissecting them until all the fun was taken out. Simon/Borche/Blepe/Apu are all just pepe clones, so into the trash they go, Leaf Girl and Australia Girl stopped being popular once users from their countries dropped off and the Albanian trying their keeping them alive was b& (and this is why less people are making OC), and Alzheimers got baleeted and dropped by Korea which now devotes itself to bumping threads like this one. The reason that Cirno, Duke, and the Fishe last is because they don't put down everything they're doing whenever an anon tells them that what they're doing is stupid, and /bant/ has been better for it since if they did we'd be nothing but Kagari shitposts and Slowjak spam.
Look, I'm not necessarily defending their shitposting, I'm just saying that expending effort to try and force remove a meme tends to lead to worse results than leaving it to die organically. Most of /bant/'s drama tends to be from people telling other people to stop posting something or leave, and that's pretty shitty for a board that prides itself on being about fun. I think Belgum hit the hammer on the head best when he pointed out that trying to drive out people you don't like only emboldens them to work harder to stay and makes them bitter, making them even less likely to quality post.
>>3779544Funny you mention that bit on /r9k/. One thing the Cirnoposters will never tell you about that board...