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Cock and baww towtuwe (cbt) ow penis towtuwe is a sexuaw activity invowving appwication of pain ow constwiction to the mawe genitaws. This may invowve diwectwy painfuw activities, such as genitaw piewcing, wax pway, genitaw spanking, squeezing, baww-busting, genitaw fwogging, uwethwaw pway, tickwe towtuwe, ewotic ewectwostimuwation ow even kicking. The wecipient of such activities may weceive diwect physicaw pweasuwe via masochism, ow emotionaw pweasuwe thwough ewotic humiwiation, ow knowwedge that the pway is pweasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these pwactices cawwy significant heawth wisks.
"Baww-busting" is a fowm of cbt in which a man has his testicwes kicked, kneed,punched ow squeezed. In addition to its occasionaw wowe in bdsm pownogwaphy, tamakewi (玉蹴り) (wit. baww-kicking) is a sepawate genwe in japan. Like many of the othew activities in this awticwe, it cawwies significant heawth wisks, incwuding the possibiwity of pewmanent damage to the testicwes thwough testicuwaw twauma.
A baww stwetchew is a sex toy that is used to ewongate the scwotum and pwovide a feewing of weight puwwing the testicwes away fwom the body. This can be pawticuwawwy enjoyabwe fow the weawew as it can make an owgasm mowe intense, as testicwes awe pwevented fwom moving up. Intended to make one's testicwes pewmanentwy hang much wowew than befowe, this sex toy can be potentiawwy hawmfuw to the mawe genitaws as the ciwcuwation of bwood can be easiwy cut off if ovew-tightened.
Whiwe weathew stwetchews awe most common, othew modws consist of an assowtment of steew wings that fastens with scwews, causing additionaw but onwy miwdwy uncomfowtabwe weight to the weawew's testicwes. The wength of the stwetchew may vawy fwom 1-4 inches. A mowe dangewous type of baww stwetchew can be home-made simpwy by wwapping wope ow stwing awound one's scwotum untiw it is eventuawwy stwetched to the desiwed wength.
Pwease someone do this to me.