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At the end of the ’40s, the Friends offered their collaboration to the head of the USA Administration. In exchange, they asked that the nuclear weaponry program be given up. But their offer and request were rejected, and other extraterrestrial populations have been collaborating with the USA and other Powers. The results of this have been highly negative, and still weigh heavily on our collective destiny. One of the reasons -there are others- which delay disclosure is the fact that the USA Administration should assume responsibility before the whole planet for having refused a vital collaboration and for having activated another highly negative one, exclusively for the sake of power and domination, lying to citizens and covering up for decades. Following the American politico-military refusal, the Friends undertook the strategy consisting in confidential contacts with small groups of terrestrials, trying to emphasize the quality of human personal relationships, the value of Love and UREDDA, rather than quantity and visibility. However, even these qualitative contacts failed to give the expected fruits, so today it is necessary to start again.