>>21442821White people are indeed being punished by God, but it’s all part of the Biblical plan. God told us (Amos 3:2)”You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.” Basically, if you are punished, you are a son (White); if not, you are a bastard. (See Prov 3:11-12)
White people are the children of Europe, collectively the people of God. They are the descendants of Adam, who God created. The same people God married in the Old Testament at Mount Sinai. The children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the true children of Israel. God views them as his wife, called the “woman” in the rest of the Bible. They had a prosperous blessed society during the Judges period, and the rule of King David and Solomon. Eventually, through continued idolatry and race-mixing with surrounding Canaanite tribes, God divorced his “woman”, the people of Israel, and had them kicked out of his house (the holy land). They were conquered and taken captive by the Assyrians (~750 BC) and later the Babylonians. The ones in Babylon eventually returned to Jerusalem, but the ones in Assyria never did. Eventually, the Assyrian empire fell, and the Israelites migrated north and west into Europe. They were the Scythians, Cimmerians, Gauls, Celts, Goths, etc., the Germanic peoples colonizing Europe in waves over hundreds of years. All this time, they (we) were under the long punishment of God for disobedience (see the curses of disobedience and blessings of obedience in the Old Testament). Eventually, God will deliver his people from punishment, forgive them, cleanse them, and remarry them. This is why Christ, who is God, came to redeem his people from sin, dying to release the Woman from the Law. Why he is called the Bridegroom. In the end times, which we are living in now, he will return to destroy (treading the wine press) the enemies of his people (non Whites), and remarry his people and bring in his kingdom