>>9164044Perception and creation then walk the same path, just in the opposite directions. The will/conciousness eventually creates the perceived world and the perceived world creates and shapes the conciousness, and it runs up and down.
>13No one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven—the Son of Man.c 14Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal lifeDoes this reference this relationship of the descent of creation and ascent of perception up and down this tree of life?
Not to mention that it says that this chain of the higher realm manifesting itself in the same way as the lower realms through the repeated Trees after another relates back to the saying "as above, so below".
When you implement a Sephiroth above Kether to symbolize the realm above or the most high from whom the Ein Soph, the light comes from you see that the Tree also mirrors itself in the middle above and below as well fitting yet again
>>9164041agreed, just that the lie often is not that well hidden as you claim. Its the same lie in Kaballah (Ein Soph), as in Gnosticism (Monad) just as in Atheism with the Big Bang Theory (singularity).
All of these explain everything comming from a, uncaring and indifferent uniform infinity that suddenly split up for no reason even though that would never happened without something from the outside moving it.
Kaballah in that sense is especially bad as it still propose that the highest of the tree, the Kether gets energy fed from the Malkruth of the tree above, admitting it needs something from the outside, yet putting the Ein Soph, that careless void as the source of it all.
Why are they doing that? Because only when the most high doesnt care you can argue that good and evil doesnt really matter, that they come from the same and thus you can find the most high through evil which is just as legit as through goodness.