>>13273227I don’t know much about Gematria but I know it’s how the elites communicate hidden messages, so I just put random numbers I see into the casualties to see if they have any meaning
>Be me>Sleep in the middle of the day>Have our of body experience>Hands comes out of the wall and hands me a post it on it, can’t remember the numbers but my memory vaguely recovers 300901 (even if this was not the right exact number I still came across it by chance)>Translate 391 to CIA>Try to communicate with being by drawing symbols I associate with various rchetypes I made, triskelion, black sun (true beast) and hand in wall,>A few weeks later decide to start praying to a random “Creator” deity>For some reason I associate this being with the black sun>Come across box randomly with black sun symbol on it>Believe deity is communicating with me>One day months later very depressed>I destroy a bible and do other blasphemous acts>Feel terrible>Am reminded of the being in the wall>Look up. 391 in Gematria calculator>”Omega Light Lord” and “Great Beast”Demons are real