>>7334656Porphyria can be treated through drinking blood because heme survives the stomach, you retard. Kikes have a list of genetic diseases longer than all the other races combined, and on it there are a great many diseased under the header of Factor XI deficiency. These can all be treated through drinking blood.
Porphyria's symptomology is like reading a description of vampires.
>can't go out in the sun without fucking dying>gums recede making fangs portrude>pasty pasty skin as a result of no sun exposure>can literally be treated by drinking bloodThe list goes on. Look at pic related. Factor XI is literally synonymous with "hemophilia", or "love of blood", and kikes are RIDDLED with it.
Fucking get on my level and stop knee-jerk making excuses rather than accepting the obvious reality that is kikes being fucking blood drinking young blood-loving pieces of absolute evil shit.
There is no end to this stuff. I could go on for hours.
Damascus, the site where (((Cain))) slew Abel, translates as "blood drinking". Did you know that Damascus steel is named as such because it was said that it was only able to be made by quenching the blade in human blood?
This shit is ancient as fuck, my dude.