>>15380224Emperor Lucifer, Master of all rebellious Spirits, I implore you to favor the entreaty I make to your mighty messenger, LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE ROFOCALE, that I long to make a pact with him. I ask you also, O Prince Beelzebub, to protect me in my undertaking. O Count Astaroth! Have mercy on me and make it so that tonight the great LUCIFUGE may come to me in human form and without a fetid odor and that he will provide me, in accordance with the agreement that I propose to enter into, all the wealth that I need . O great LUCIFUGE, I ask you to leave your refuge, wherever it may be, and come here to speak with me, otherwise I will force you with the power of the almighty ever-living God, His beloved Son and Holy Spirit. Obey immediately or you will forever be tormented by the mighty words from Solomon's great Clavicle, with which he always forced rebellious spirits to keep the pact. So come this very hour, or I will constantly torment you with these great words from the Clavicle.