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Very likely I had new 9:00 anal surgery again today. I had that same sore spot on the 9:00 side of my asshole. I stopped by the desk to tell them that my room had quieted down after the earlier banging. Right then, I got attacked with the highest setting of the 9:00 anal wriggler. There are so many there now, i can't be sure if it was a new one. However, I do definitely have the feel of fresh anal trauma at the spot where I had the wriggling today: the same spot where I had fresh anal trauma in Fayetteville recently before this new bout of constant anal wriggler started complementing the constant electroshock in my penis and balls and all over the surface of my scrotum and around the base of my penis.
Right now, I feel a distinct sensation of discomfort there so I think I did get another new anal implant today.