>>5336865I remember some stuff going down with the the Russian Orthodoxy moving the ark of Gabriel to Antarctica for some reason. A lot of this seemed to happen around then. As well as ahen ISIS began destroged ancient pagan altars.
>>5336869You must be very smart then! I'll take your word for it
>>5336870Rushing into things isn't going to help. If you want what I want (a strong and stable white nation, for whites), it takes more work than just impotently raging against people. It takes time, precision, mystical alignment, and people. If you're too proud or rage-filled nothing good will be produced. Rage is the prime expression of personal insecurity, and when coupled vengeance leads to an unsustainable victory. It burns out. Look at how long the Third Reich lasted.
>>5336881The internet is the beast with many heads. It knows everything about us. It will be given great power over humans.