Quoted By:
[Kamen Insider conducts a brief but inciteful 'shoot' interview with Masala]
>Payment upfront, you cosplay fetishist freak. You've got what I've asked for, right?
The Divine Angels dream mansion? We left it with one of your associates, a ginger who goes by Lottie.
>And you got me an AUTHENTIC Divine Angels branded dream mansion? Not one of those cheap Chinese knockoffs they sell at Dimeland? I've already gone through five of those. brown mum accuses me of playing to rough with them but it's not my fault the plastic is so brittle. Besides, why bother playing with something if you're not going to play rough?
Yeah, yeah, I sprung for the good stuff. Very durable, very expensive. On the topic of your.. 'brown mum', how do you feel about her recent IC title win?
>She won?! Well I suppose that'll go down as her second greatest accomplishment after giving birth to me. She's not the first in the family to sport gold though. That honour belongs to me
That's right, you were briefly the trans galactic something something champion if I recall correctly.
>The Pan Galactic Hyper Dimensional Ultra Giga Champion you fuc- OUCH! twit
So the curse your former tag partner M. Alice placed on you is still in effect I see. How does it work?
>Any time I say 'bad' words or think 'bad' thoughts I receive a stinging pain in my... I receive a dreadful stinging pain. OUCH!
What was that for?
>Your costume looks very flammable and I thought it might be fun to test how flammable it truly is
There are those out there that say you brought this on yourself with your selfishness and lack of ring awareness. Do you place any of the blame on yourself?
>Of course not! I blame brown mum for not taking adequate care of me. Do you honestly think good mum would've allowed this to happen to me?
I think tha-
>I'm sure your readers don't care what you think. And this interview is over. Dog help you if you didn't get me a REAL Divine Angels dream mansion