>>21657832Ok so you are just projecting your personal trauma into your ideal world views, despite how irrational and immature it is to do this. But that is okay, because if I clearly explain to you why you are wrong and retarded, surely you will come to your senses and agree with me.
First, let us look at your main concerns for WHY you think women being working and independent is "ideal"... It is financial is it not? Guess what, genius... Your independent working woman is WHY there are these financial burdens today! If we had kept women out of the fucking worforce, then the men would be earning more, double the amount of money, because the workforce isnt double what is ought to be!
Got it? Next, we shall examine the solution, which is: Get these FUCKING women OUT of the workforce, they are useless anyways and it is making them UNHAPPY AND UNMARRIAGABLE, and get them back into the kitchen at 16 and popping out babies for their working man. Ta-da!!!