>>17260946You forgot to mention that they snip the tip of your dick off as soon as you're born.
Yes all "medicine" is masking existing symptoms and creating 10 new and often worse symptoms that also need to be masked, repeat ad infinitum. This was the first ever subscription model that's so prevalent today.
Almost no doctor has any idea why they're doing the things that they do, they simply appeal to authority and follow stringent guidelines set by the medical cartels.
If you question the methods or step out of line you're labelled a quack and lose your licence. This is particularly difficult when you're hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt due to schooling fees, mortgage, car, etc. You'll also become a social pariah, get divorced, children taken away, be one unemployable, etc. etc. all the good stuff.
A doctor is a glorified search engine with a licence to kill. This is why they're always baffled, reality rarely matches up with what they're told is true. Instead of using logic and saying "hey maybe it doesn't work like this" they double and even triple down on the narrative and use olympic-level mental gymnastics to turn fiction into "fact". Then The Facts Change (TM) and that's okay because Science (TM). Then everyone claps.