>>3908585>>3908579>>3908577This is extremely interesting. The recent paper on minoans and mycaneans show that there is genetic continuity between minoans and mycaneans, although mycaneans have more northern european dna, which means a migration took place.
Whats interesting is the the albanian connection to minoans.
The classical greeks that we know as being classical are the hellenics that adopted a new alphabet made from Phonecian script. Linear A and Linear B of the minoans and Mycaneans are not related to the hellenic one. This points to some sort of cultural elite that came from phonecia to greece and began what we know as the classical period of greece with the first olympic games and so on.
The Albanian language is indo european yet no linguists, despite trying to, have been able to put it in a branch with any other group like balto slavic, germanic etc. They have tried with greek and armenian but they also do not match.
>>3908595>>3908606Any time one of these threads begins there are shills like these that immediately appear to discredit actual investigation. Lets first discuss a civillization that could have existed 13,000 years ago and find evidence for that before magnifying the scale of our investgation 10000 fold. Please just DONT DO THIS SHIT. Do not reply to cunts that are low iq or shills and put forward the weakest evidence ever for literal BILLION year old humans. If you honestly try make this argument you now have to disprove evolution geology and every other thing we know.
There is ample evidence for 13,000 year old civillization that was wiped out, lets not discredit it by comparing it with 1billion year old human theories. Seriously fuck off back to /x/ you schizo loser