>Instructions to concentration camp commandants to lower the death rate and increase the strength of inmate workers>...every means must be used to lower the death rate in the camp.>I hold the Camp Commandant and the Chief of the Camp Administration personally responsible for exhausting of every possibility of maintaining the physical strength of the prisoners.>In this one page letter to the CC (concentration camp) commandants, MAURER states that the physical condition of prisoners on admittance to CC's is so bad that many of them have to be hospitalized and therefore are useless for work.>Die gesamte Aktion Reinhardt zerfällt in 4 Giebete:>A) die Aussiedlung selbst>B) die Verwertung der Arbeitskraft>C) die Sachverwertung>D) die Einbringung verborgener Werte und ImmobilienThe Memeocaust is a cool story, lmao.