>>13739642>>13739665>>13739652>>13739659>which attracts souls that vibrate on a similar level of purity.Your Higher Self is like the platonic form of yourself. It is like your "future", fully-evolved self residing at the end, or perhaps, the beginning of time.
Spiritual communities are talking about 5D consciousness. This is the same thing we're talking about here.
4D as experiencing a kind of "Overview Effect" of one's life: seeing and understanding how patterns repeat, and archetypes and symbols play out in your life, and then, of course, taking control of the ship. You are the master of your destiny, after all.
5D is getting a taste of the multiverse. Timelines, parallel universes, different planes/realms, pure imagination, really. And bliss.
You are a projection from the realm of spirit into the realm of illusory matter.
The recursive paradox of the whole situation is that it is you NOW that is empowered to define who exactly that perfect self IS and WILL BE
The One/All splits into Purusha and Prakriti so that it can experience itself evolving / becoming. We are "simulating" archetypal Forms that exist independently in Spirit.
Form exists at the limit where Becoming approaches infinity. Pure Being in archetypal spirit-space. Strive to become more like the perfect Forms, the Logoi, in your everyday life.
This density is a test as well as a diversion - the descent back into duality.
This Higher Self, in turn, has a life of its own and a "higher-higher self"; it lives, sleeps, dreams, just like you and I, only in a higher dimensional resolution.
The process of becoming is an infinite journey - like the concept of an asymptote in mathematics. Prakriti, Matter, Kundalini "fuels" the individuation process