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I was walking and some African nigger stopped me and deceptively acted as though he were working in a charity. He was donating books to the hospital to help children (I should have stopped believing him here, niggers don't help people they only destroy. Alas, I foolishly put trust into my fellow African "brother"). He then asked for my cell phone so that he could put down the phone number of his "charity" while he made me fill out some piece of paper on which childrens books i wanted to donate. He sent a thousand white man dollars to his nigger american express bank account through my bank account app without my permission. Before I realized what happened and I went on with my business the negroid had vanished. But I saw him again at the park and I called the police on him and they got him arrested. If I pressed charges it would risk him knowing that I snitched, but I really wanted to have the pleasure of putting him in jail so I decided to do it. I even decided to smoke a bowl before arriving at the interrogation room to identify him through the one way mirror because I wanted to laugh at the nigger who stole my money being taken away just at the will of my "Yup, that's the nigger who stole my money, officer." Did I do the right thing or is there a bounty on my ass for snitching?