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It is a fact that people exist in the world with abilities such as precognition. The media has turned the idea into a subject of ridicule, but it is a fact. Precognition comes in two forms: The form driven by the transmission and receipt of tachyons and the form driven by Einstein-Rosen Bridge.
In the case of the latter, subjects have reported being able to see events in the life of loved ones from years or even decades in the future of that individual through that person's eyes including events that occured after the date of their own death. No useful short or medium term information ever seems to be derived through this phenomenon that might benefit survival in the way thay tachyonic precognition does, and so there must, in this author's opinion, be some other logical evolutionary driver for that mechanism that affords a survival benefit.
Neurological lead sequestration as a result of an autoimmune response is the most likely explanation for the long-term, high-accuracy precognitive phenomenon. The following is my understanding of how exactly it is possible that a bridge between two points in time forms in the case of these molecules:
Small amounts of lead are present in most environments, not enough to do harm, but given the right sort of genetic adaptation, certain individuals may have immediate neutrophil reactions to the presence of any lead in the brain. These neutrophils, and specifically, the so-called DNA nets left behind by inactivated immune cells eventually degrade, and when they do, the helical structures of the DNA, which consists of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus, can become complexed with individual lead atoms. When this occurs, the collapsing nucleid acid remnant of neutrophils begins to fold in on itself, convoluting like a pretzel and resulting in the Ligand Constriction I mentioned earlier.