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This communist revolution failed in Germany however (((Lenin))) and his right hand chosen-successor creator-of-the-red-army (((Trotsky))) managed to execute the royal family and consolidate power in Russia. At this time the Young Turk movement in the Ottoman Empire, which was funded/led by so called "Donmeh" crypto-Jews, deathmarched millions of Christian Europeans and destroyed their royal family. The overwhelmingly Jewish Bolsheviks would go onto to exterminate tens of millions of the best and brightest in Russia and Ukraine over the next decade. Jew NKVD head Yagoda (along with kike Kaganovich and Jew-married Molotov) famined another 6,000,000+ Slavs in the early 1930's. Adolf Hitler became chancellor in Germany shortly thereafter on promises of rebuilding and avenging his countrymen.
International Jewry immediately started campaigns for international consumer and business boycotts of German exports, due to the fact Germany needed exports to pay for their mass importation of food. After returning to America the head of American delegation to the World Conference of Jews in Amsterdam, Samuel Untermyer, made a broadcast on ABC where he called for the wholesale starvation of Germany through boycott. On August 7th 1933 Untermeyer took a full page ad out in the New York Times explaining how this boycott produced starvation would ruin Germany.