>>19441587>[Sola's phone pings, and she sneaks a quick glance before Carmody brings her the wine. Sola knows Ash has seen her message, and... after screaming that people should contact her more, this kinda pi-- ah, a worry for another time, maybe. Breathe, Sola.]"I'm really glad that Kanako is... okay? I mean, I saw you guys win, and Priscilla got her as the bell rang. But it wasn't that bad, was it? I don't really get how she got so hurt, is all. I ran into her at the Dojo before my promo the other day, and she really didn't make an attempt to be nice. I didn't realise... things between she and I were so rough. But hey, it was just a match. We all get banged up, don't we?"
"Oh, don't worry too much about Paule! She and I actually had a chat after the ladder match -- uh, before I found out about you. Yeah, we worked out the stuff between us. She -- O-M-G, you're going to love this. You know how, uh..."
>[Sola looks kinda sheepishly at Bree.]"... um, you know how I'm not great with reading and writing... um, well she thought I was an Indian dude trying to scam her! So she had blocked my number! Ha-ha-ha! I know! I'm sure she's just busy. She seems kinda scattered when we met. But I'm really glad we worked our stuff out."
"Uh, Ash, yeah. I saw her the other day, too. Things got a bit heated? But maybe good heated? I don't know. I heard what Priscilla said Ash did to you, so I kinda wanted to see Ash in person, but she doesn't seem interested... too bad for her, I guess? Because I'm still going to see her. Nobody sneak attacks my girlfriend and gets away with it."
>[Sola is kind of dumbstruck.]"I've never had a... what's a Dr. Better?"
>[Sola gets a funny feeling when Priscilla's name is mentioned.]"Priscilla has been... hmm. When she was here, she said some stuff about the Dojo, and I just didn't have a response. She isn't wrong, you know. Even now that Ash graduated me I don't know if I can go back there. Did Priscilla... say anything about me?"