>>20193557>I don't know - where is it? You've been posting about this gravity engine of yours for two years now. Where is it?In the near term future. I told you. I pledged to have a prototype ready by June 15th. Of course, I won't necessarily show you video and give you schematics by then. But I will now also solemnly promise to publicly admit if it didn't work after I build the proof of concept scale model demonstrator. I'll even become a namefag ("Gravity Engine schizoretard") so everyone can instantly know, point and laugh whenever I post in a bread if I fail.
Show me what you have right now though. Since I'm just a seething brainlet schizoretard /x/ escapee who's only been wondering the earth for less than a handful of decades. Show me what your side has come up with after hundreds of billions of dollars of investment in big science and millions of normatard normaloid man years.
Explain away the philosophical problems with relativity (violation of causality, implicit requirement and admission of a standard, uniform universal time and standard, uniform universal reference frame underneath apparent spacetime) and warp drives (how do you get out of the warp bubble and reach your destination without having to travel classically through the compressed space/spacetime ahead of the warp bubble and spend just as much time travelling through that compressed space/spacetime as you would have without warp drives).
I'm not some genius, I just have a 138 Spatial IQ, that's all. I can see and rotate complex 3D shape and assemblies of 3D shapes in my head. But that's enough to get free shaft torque from gravity and reactionless propulsion. As you'll learn over the coming months. What has your side achieved with all those hundreds of billions and millions of normatard normaloid man years?