>>11045070Eve was a golem homunculi wrought of adam's own flesh.
The god of the old testament and the torah is not the god of jesus christ and the new testament. The OT god is the deceiver and the keeper of this material realm, jealous of the divine spark that resides in each of us.
The fruit of knowledge was a gift from the one true god for without a choice to commit good or evil there can be no free will, and no divinity.
Look into who Yaldboath is. Research the concepts of Gnostic Christianity. Research how Gnosticism was wiped out by (((the romans))) a few hundred years after Jesus gave us his message from god. Read the scriptures from the Nag Hammadi library. The knowledge is there for everyone. We have been misled and steered astray from the light of god for centuries by (((those))) who do not wish us to know the truth.
THe divine spark of God resides in each of us and we will achieve salvation through knowledge, not the blind preaching of narcissists.