>>21566608>A case for the Eastern Orthodox Church being the True Christian Church established by Christ on the day of Pentecost in 33 A.D.You haven’t present a case you just list a series of historical events and presuppose your sect was on the correct side.
Oriental orthodox or Assyrian Orthodox Church of the East can cite the same events and say they are le 1 true church.
>Eastern Orthodoxy isn't non-denominational; it's pre-denominational.It’s not even a single United church at this point. Not only is it denominational, it’s highly sectarian.
>It's catholic, but not Roman. Everyone can claim to be Catholic in the way you understand it, and Protestants actually have a better case for their catholicity.
>It's evangelical, but not protestant.Everyone can claim to be evangelical in the traditional sense of the word.
>It's orthodox, but not Jewish.Every denomination claims to be orthodox in the traditional sense of the word.
>It's not ancient, IT'S ETERNAL.It’s full of accretions and is built on falsehoods.
Just 1 case for the Eastern “Orthodox” Churches not being le True Christian Church established by Christ on the day of Pentecost in 33 A.D.
They made a pedophile a saint.
I’ll leave you with that and encourage you take a less biased analysis of Church history, but I’ve also debated enough of you orthoLARPers to know anything I say you will presuppose to be false because it goes against the deceptions you have been fed.
I hope one day you will convert to christanity.