empty apartment
very rare sight indeed
I would usually take the opportunity to coom
but I haven't for the longest time
I do not know what I will do until mother comes home... probably more illegal with brown rice
>>11579653I can get behind this
>>11580478theres no makeup that can cover up my current shake up
>>11580501I uh... uhhhh.hmmmm...
it's the same mentality as with dubbed anime
but like... most of holoEN members seem to have some grasp on japanese if not the fact that they can speak it....that sentence isn't propper but the ringing in my head prevrnts me from fixing it
>voice actingwhich is pretty bizzarre... how long till we have actual guys pretending they are girl...... there already are guys pretending they are girls, aren't there
>pretty goodyeah... probably
I guess the thing is they fill a niche that lots of weebs can latch onto that is "to become anime"; lots of streamers can be weebs amd use anime as bait to get their own.cohorts but what these Vstreamers do better than them is that they just become anime
I mean... if hatsune miku can have so many followers it's no surprise vtubers do too