I will be reposting this every week until Christmas, from here on out this stuff is copy pasted:
>I made a thread for that anime stream, and I just came up with an idea for a big Christmas Eve anime film stream. Anyone interested? Most people will be free (sorry Saudi-poster) so I thought it would be a good idea. Make sure to give me ideas in this thread.>I want this to be special, so I want a sizeable amount coming, so I will use this tactic: make a suggestion or you and your mum will both die in your sleep tonight - no immunity. Also, if you want to die, please feel free to make a suggestion and post ‘free me Santa’ to die peacefully. We are also giving a chance of a free ‘kot id’ for every suggestion.Cytu_be/r/newbantanimestream
Check the previous thread so you know what previous recommendations were made: