>>20069592>[Off to the side, Sheila can't help but notice that there is a fight, or at least an exchanging of blows, going on.]The big Samoan girl cracks a glass on the face of... something, and it flops into the water. Oh, it's that, uh, Cactus thing. Jesus, she's fucking nuts. But she's not Sheila's problem. Thankfully, Sheila has avoided that one thus far. Unfortunately, she missed most of what Colby has said. Something about Kelly doing charity work and being an artist? Sheila squeezes Kelly's hand a bit tighter. She's so talented!
>>20069957"Aww, that’s really fucken noice've ya, Cobbles. Oi'm really glad youse two can get along. Yeah, me Rumbo pah-form-ance was orright, but Oi kinda wann'ed ta win, ya know? Ah well. And oi? Who's lookin' at me?"
>[Sheila follows Colby's gaze.]"Aww, yeah, Ar-kar-no. She's a good egg. Real cutie, yeah. We ack-shally had a cheeky cuppla froffies at Ecks-tacky da uvvah week. Wiff Nicko and da Martoini Ghost. Ya cooda come and joined. Divvo was there, toos. Maybe ya could-a bought Flamo, yeah? Oi ack-shally ain't seen 'er since..."
>[Sheila glances at Priscilla once again.]"... the hospital. Ah, what-evah."
>>20069742"Yeah, Milfo, pleasure's all moin, Oi reckon. Lookit dat bakoini. Gyatt dam, mate. But... grape's ain't that big, mate? Me dad use-ta tell moy I had a brain the soize of a grape, an' I turned out orright, yeah? Nyeh heh heh. Oi but nah, glad ta see ya's back on ya feet, mate. Fucken hate laddah's, but. Things are still fucken buggin' moy from the last one Oi was in. But, ah... ya know, mate, the last toim we was in da ring togevva, things din't go well for Sheila fucken Fostah. Moight be toim we got ta runnin' that one back."