The vast majority of normal people are cattle that get slaughtered for their stupidity.
Imagine 250 million people being killed. Would you side with this majority and die with them? Or realise that the cookie-cutter masses are literally automata and that it is the tiny group of the top uttermost percentile that influence the world.
Do you honestly trust the masses? This uncoordinate gullible easily manipulated group of people? (mute this as the music reduces the impact).
History shows that you can't trust them. When shit hits the fan they won't do shit for you.
Be an individual and learn the important stuff so you can lead them away from the bullshit. They can't reciprocate, history has too many examples of their
rudderless confused behaviour.
Bandwagon (logical fallacy)
Appealing to popularity or the fact that many people do something as an attempted form of validation.
If hundreds of people swore by something during a famine and died, their argument was obviously invalid. There's this recurring pattern of millions of people dying because they
couldn't coordinate in a way the ensured their collective survival.
The bottom 1 billion people can barely even read or write but their numbers are supposed to influence your own decisions?