what can only be described as an "epic fail" of American intelligence, WikiLeaks' Vault 7 contains proof that at least one or more members of the CIA's Intelligence Operations Center was quite active in the Touhou roleplaying community on 4chan.
An image titled Sassy-Chen-Cat-Pic-640x607.jpg was added sometime in April or May 2019 to the repository of User #714 found in Vault 7. At around the same time, in April 2019, an image with an identical hash code was first posted to the visible Internet in the Touhou roleplaying board at
4chan.org, colloquially known as the "Otaku Culture" board.
The image wouldn't be posted again to the Internet until January 2020. Once again, to yet another thread on the Touhou roleplaying forum. The image wouldn't be seen again until the release of Vault 7 by WikiLeaks.