>>10780229>> Spacial reasoning>Before you call people stupid, make sure to drop your own stupidity, retardWhy do we even allow women to post on this board...?
Research has empirically proven that men possess superior spatial awareness to women. Among other things, this explains why women are such terrible drivers, pic related. Read it and pout, sweet-cheeks:
>Sex Difference On Spatial Skill Test Linked To Brain Structure>Men consistently outperform women on spatial tasks, including mental rotation, which is the ability to identify how a 3-D object would appear if rotated in space. A new study shows a connection between this sex-linked ability and the structure of the parietal lobe, the brain region that controls this type of skill.>The study was based on tests of 76 healthy Caucasian volunteers -- 38 women and 38 men, all right-handed except for two men. The groups were matched for age, education, IQ and socioeconomic upbringing. When tested on mental rotation tasks, men averaged 66 percent correct compared to 53 percent correct for women. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an approximately 10 percent difference between men and women in the overall amount of parietal lobe surface area: 43 square centimeters for men and 40 square centimeters for women.https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081217124430.htm