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Just came back from doing a 1 month experiment on myself.
>2 weeks : fapping everyday, no sport, not seeing family, eating 3 times a day.
>2 weeks : Riding and camping in pure untouched nature, no fap, swimming in cold water as much as possible, push ups everyday, engaging with women, learning a new thing everyday, only free time activity allowed : reading
Paleo diet as much as possible.
Results :
-First two weeks are indeed a vicious circle, everyday was miserable than the last, started being attracted to traps again, started eating more and more despite never being hungry, grew manboobs, started having a void stare (should have documented it everyday) and losing hair, playing mindless videogames again.
Feeling sick all the time. Sleep cycle deriving towards 3am-2pm
-Last two weeks : Manboobs dissapeared, normal feelings about women, disgusted by traps, spoke to women with confidence, starting to see abs and biceps take form, didn't have a running nose once despite visiting Norway on a bike through storms and bathing in 10C° water.
Improved dramatically my english and german levels, discovered the works of Schopenhauer and Evola. Mind more clear and focused. Sleep cycle gravitating towards 10pm-5am.
Skills improved : confidence, knowledge, physical ability, cooking, first aid,camping, motorcycle mechanics, learned how to fish, making a fire,reading German, speaking English, started learning Norsk and Swedish.
Came pretty close to hitting two thots on tinder, didn't have enough time though.
Thanks /sig/, this shit works. It's amazing !
Gonna get back to work now and will not have much free time to improve, but looking forwards to it anyways.