>>19554588Currently waiting for the Gathering of Israel to occur, it's a prophecy that's going to occur at some point in less than 16 years from now. You bastardizer so called "Christians," you judeo-christians NEVER talk about it. All you talk about is how you can save your subhuman mongrel soul and how you can get power and influence in the church and mutt society. Pure Whites are returning to the land of Israel. Canaanites get fucked.
I have been watching walking tour videos from the land of Israel in preparation. The Bible isn't clear whether the Gathering of Israel happens before or after the Messiah's return but Israel will return sometime before 16 years from now which means the Messiah returns either at the same time or somewhere ~16 years from now. Jesus will return in less than 30 years from now though. That much is certain.