>>18868019As the lights come back on, Cassie beckons for Delilah to hand her a mic.
"Did you people see that? Whatever that was, it's proof of everything I said. This company needs new leadership, the current regime can't even keep the lights on anymore!"
"And rest assured, new leadership is exactly what this company will get, when I, along with Kasumi O'Brian, Holly Hope-Again and Winter Girl defeat Spaghetti Dog's team, just like I defeated this piece of trash who chose to stand in the way of progress." As she speaks, Cassie drives a kick into Steeli's ribs.
"Spaghetti Dog's era of criminals, so called angels, dead wrestlers, fumbled network deals and lights that don't stay on ends at Judge, Yuri and Executioner when my hands... and the rest of my team's of course, are raised in victory."
Cassie closes her eyes and poses in the ring with her arms outstretched, as a chorus of boos rains down from the crowd.