>>18240729Andi wasn't born last night, and knows SOMETHING is horribly wrong here.
>"I, uh..... all right, Lady Divine. I don't know what the hell this is, except it's better than getting shot."The walk to the banquet hall is one of the longest that Andi's ever taken. It would've been straightforward if she'd been going in there AS a Miss USA punching bag. Or a Miss USA stripper, given what she'd heard about the Divine Angels. Or maybe a comedian, to do a parody of Miss USA? Hell, she was likely to end up as that anyway. She'd caught a few promos, and they were very..... unique and striking, but how could Andi possibly pull that off herself? She isn't even AMERICAN!
But Priscilla Divine has a plan. And if Andi plays her role, she MIGHT not get beaten into the ICU or shot.
>>18240814Her indecision is interrupted as one of the servants comes out, at least that must be who this woman in the tuxedo vest is. She looks a little like Amy Flame, but that can't be right if she's dressed like the help! Must be a weird Divine Angels thing. Anyway, she can't break character now. It's fight or flight. What would the real Miss USA do?
>"Thank you kindly, Miss Servant, I'd give ya something for your troubles but my checkbook's in my other shorts."She takes a deep breath, pushes past Amy, and steps into the party.
>"MISS JEFFERSON!>IN HONOR OF OUR TRUCE, THE BADDEST ACE OF THIS AMERICAN PLACE IS HERE.....>To wish you a Happy Birthday.>As a fellow Southern Belle who bleeds, sweats, and CRIES the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE EVERYWHERE SHE GOES,>Who knows the words of THE STAR-SPECKLED BANGER BY HEART,>DELIVERED TO HER PROUD MAMA NOT BY A STORK BUT BY A BALD FUCKIN' EAGLE SENT FROM BLUE-EYED BABY JESUS HIMSELF....>I brought you a gift."Andi reaches into her box and produces it, trying to remember what it is that "Priscilla" just told her about the present she's offering.