NICOTINE, people.
It does something cool and sciency that prevents testosteron from transforming into estrogen.
I won't pretend to understand it, but here are some links. transgendered freaks have trouble transitioning into "women" if they still have their nicotine habit, now you are probably thinking:
>hurr durr but cigarettes are bad for youSmokesless tobacco, faggots. For americans, chew and dip. For scandinavians, snus and snuff. Pipes and cigars. Cigarettes are a jew trick, turning the white mans crop (tobacco) into cancer sticks. It's literally the crumbs left on the floor after producing better tobacco products with 10.000 added chemicals to it to make it smokeable. It is also the ONLY tobacco product meant for inhaling it all the way into your lungs, which produces further damage.
Smokeless tobacco has no way near the same dangers as cigarettes do.;dr: consume nicotine, not cigarettes