>>12075568>1. Latinos are white.No. pic related is what the average bean looks like.
>2. Texas latinos assimilate into the culture really well.No, they don't. A supermajority of Hispanics prefer an expansion of the role of government, expansion of the welfare state, greater limitations or abolition of the 2nd amendment, in enacting hate speech legislation, limits on property rights, expansion of abortion rights. Every one of those positions goes against the will of the majority in Texas. A supermajority of Hispanics vote democrat and they also use welfare at extremely high rates.
None of that is assimilation. If they become a majority or form a coalition with the minority of Whites that hold these heterodox opinions, they will radically transform TX, just like they have done to CA, NV, and now AZ, GA, and soon NC, FL and then TX.
Hispanics, due to their numbers, are a far greater threat to America than any other group.