>>10266680> Weak-minded, easily influenced by stupid doctrines that are embedded in their brains since birth,> Unable to hold accountability for their actions, always thinking from a primal standpoint without ever admitting it.> Every single insult/joke is about sex because that's all they're good at for most of the time and they know it but are unable to admit it to themselves.> They always try to make "love" seem like some sort of mystical adventure when in reality it's just a chemical/hormone reaction that pushes humans to mate, so they can use that same "love" to justify their actions/failures.> Unable to tell the truth without twisting it to make it seem like it's never their fault alongside with jealousy, envy.> Using the whole innocence to their advantage, making us think they're some sort of angles who can never do any harm> Extremely manipulative to many weak-minded males/simps/soys/etc> Herd mentality, they can almost never form their own opinions and can't back them up no matter how hard they try, so they resort to having the same mentality as their instagram group.I hate them because I was lied from the start about how they truly are, and I hate the fact that they will never admit it, I hate them because I thought they could be some sort of small pillar within their future family, instead, they are basically leeches who just switch their host from her paternal family to another.