>>9431235he legitimately believed it was possible to have a strong nation of based blacks, and they just have to be taught the right system
it's too bad he didn't give a single good line to add to the list of idiocy, but i think "nazi germany was multi-ethnic" is close enough, because he was conflating "a bunch of europeans of northwestern/central european ancestry" with "a bunch of africans and spics"
for the record, i think rockwell was a little full of it, sieg heiling and putting on the SS outfit in public does little to advance right-wing values in politics, and that "oh blacks are based they understand national socialism" is complete retardation that ignores reality for an anecdote
>>9431243probably? i'm moving in a week and i've been putting off some stuff so i don't know what i will need to be doing but i should be fine for saturday night