>>21363623>He’s a charmer. He has an effect on people where people just like him and it’s based mostly on pity because he’s super weird but he knows exactly what he’s doing because he tells me exactly. His iq is really high. My mom thinks there’s a chance he cheats on me>I actually love him and he’s the father of my child…the fact you post so much here shows you have an extreme problem. I dont know if the whole thing is made up, or some times you get bored and pretend to be him and / or his mistress. If you're a single mother stuck at home I can see how either option would be appealing.
You need to divorce rape him HARD, its the only way he'll really love you back. Right now he only loves his stuff, like his car. If you make yourself expensive like that car, he'll love you too, he'll love you even more.
People don't want things they can get easily, they want things that they have to work for. Just like you, you dont want a nice guy who takes care of you, you're drawn to the shit head to treats you like a pin pal. If you're married you should be in a equal partnership, make it an equal partnership or God will curse you both for making such a mockery of this sacred bond.