Why do white girls hate land inheritance and reject it as a concept?
Anonymous ID:amJ47sqm No.16468114 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Why do they want us to start from zero every generation?
Why is it that 12 yr old female white relative say:
"you live in your mother's basement"
When you
1) are the benificiary of the trust that the property is in.
2) your father died years ago and traditionally the eldest son inherits the estate.
3) you are being told this by a person who often sits in a room you renovated, surrounded by the shelves you built housing your library.
4) sleep in any room you want: 2/3rds of which didn't exist as a finished space before you did the work.
5) Finished about 1/3rd to 5/8ths of the living space now existant in the house.
6) Have 2 marble floors when they have none.
7) Are a lawyer.
8) And a programmer (hobby)
I would never help a woman.
And once girls hit puberty they take on the attitude of women.
Glad the vaxx is killing alot of them.
Did whites forget inheritance exists?
Or do they just not use trust instruments and get cleaned out by the hospitals and doctors?