Interesting how your source seems to be called "satanslibrary".
Honestly you really aren't hiding that you are either a satanist or a paid shill.
>>13129098He was a man who is actually God and came to die for your sins. Of course if you don't believe, that's all he will be for you and that's why you still stand condemned to hell.
>>13129099While you are correct in the sense that Christianity is a "doomsday" belief that we ALL stand condemned to hell unless we repent otherwise we are doomed. We are in the end times and the vaccine is the mark of the beast.
Good Luck.
>>13129100Oh wow! Jesus, who is God, is called Rabbi, which means teacher. And yes He is a Jew. How angry you will be on Judgement day when you get sent to hell by this very Jew you despise!
>>13129102The story is so fake that reality is conforming to the prophecies in Revelations. Read the previous parts of my post.
>>13129106You have it backwards. The Pharisees aren't Jews but "those who say they are Jews but are not" basically the "synagogue of satan".
Jesus IS a Jew. Saying He is not a Jew is saying He is not descended from David and thus you invalidate Him as Messiah. Jesus himself said;
>Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. (John 4:22, KJV)>>13129140No it wasn't metaphorical. He also said that He was God in an even more direct way in another verse.
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58, KJV)