>>261867565I think I need to come back to this.
What you presented explains exactly why I will never accept any religion or god.
Watch Star Gate SG1 (most of it) or specific god Star Trek TOS episodes then tell me how anyone sane can be religious.
Imagine this aliens show up and use technology to make primitives worship them since the miracles are made from alien future tech.
See: stargate goa'uld
https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Goa%27uldHowever lets go full star trek what if there are energy beings? Made from a different substance then us
See: stargate Ori
https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/OriHow do you deduce that the guy with more powerful tech is not a lier who is trying to exploit you? What makes some moves of power or unknown ability miracles and you must trust this guy?
This is no trivial question since most christian theologies will admit that if unknown tech is introduced it must mean that the entity is supernatural therefore god and you must obey what this entity says.
Its known as the "we must worship the guy with the phone/radio" argument since if in biblical times 2 guys with a radio phone where around them passing messages between towns instantly must be supernatural to the people of that time so you must be god or gods or something and you must be obeyed.
Yes this is how all religion looks like.
Trust the guy with more power because he must be god.
However most of the bible does not even go there all biblical miracles of jesus can be explained in 99% as literally tricks or illusionists the rest are simply lies.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTInQreKGuI>Herp derp dynamo can magic phone into bottle he must be godIf you are to stupid to know how these illusions can be used to multiply bread like jesus did or wine you are to stupid to live.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW9_99zu4rE>Look this must be god.What absolute retards all of you are. Some bastard multiplies some fish and bread and you think he is god.